After months of hard work, we are happy to announce our brand new website officially.

The website has been completely redesigned to provide our visitors with a more natural way to learn about who we are and what services and solutions we offer to help you reach your scientific goals.

An entirely new architecture was deployed with fresh and modern features. Macrogen Europe still providing exceptional sequencing services. The order website still is the same, but now we just put a new extra face to complement the old one.

We have a brand new and updated services section with a comparison of services and services workflow.

Visit us often as we will be continually updating our content with new blog posts, company updates, and client successes.

We hope you enjoy the new fresh and modern design.

For any questions, suggestions, feedback, or comments, please email us. AND HEY, IF YOU HAVE BEEN SITTING ON A PROJECT AND WOULD LIKE TO PICK IT UP, talk to us! We would love to provide our technical services to help your research goals!

Our new Macrogen Europe website is another way to help you understand what to expect when working with us is, which we are happy to announce is being redesigned for your benefit. So, stay tuned for our new website launch.