Identification Services

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Identify bacterial species using Macrogen Europe’s 16S, 18S and ITS rRNA sequencing services. This comprehensive service includes DNA extraction, PCR, sequencing and assembly for bacteria and fungi (filamentous fungi, yeast). Macrogen Europe also offers phylogenetic analysis to enhance your research.

Identification Services

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16s refers to a section of bacterial ribosomal RNA that is only present among bacterial species and is highly conserved. This conservation allows us to identify different species as in between the highly conserved regions of DNA, are sequences that are unique to each species.

This is also the case for Fungi with the 18s, 26s and ITs regions and these are used to identify individual species within this kingdom including moulds, yeasts and mushrooms. Once the ribosomal RNA of the fungi or bacteria has been sequenced, it is then put through a BLAST search to compare it to the DNA of known species. When there is a match, this means that the species in question has been successfully identified.

We guarantee the following parameters for your samples:

- For bacteria, sequencing results are guaranteed for 1300 base pairs of 16S rRNA.
- For fungi (filamentous fungi, yeast), sequencing results are guaranteed for 600 base pairs of ITS  
 rRNA and 1100 base pairs of ITS + 26S rRNA (D1/D2 region).

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Macrogen Europe offers sequencing of all 4 identification sites (16s, 18s, 26s and ITs regions) and the workflow for this is as follows:

  1. Samples are sent as single colonies on parafilm-sealed agar plates or as a glycerol stock.
  2. If the samples are sent as glycerol stocks or as single colonies, then a DNA extraction would take place; Samples can also be sent as gDNA that has already been extracted from the colony and, in this case, a DNA extraction wouldn’t be necessary once it reaches our lab.
  3. From here the region of interest would be amplified through PCR and then subsequently purified to provide the best quality of results.
  4. After this, forward and reverse Sanger sequencing would take place to sequence the region of the DNA that is unique to each bacterial/fungi species.
  5. This sequence would then be put through a BLAST search with the species of microorganism being identified in the process


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