Metagenome Sequencing

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Discover the microbial communities in your samples, even the ones that are hard to culture in the laboratory, in great detail with metagenomic sequencing. Our sequencing services for amplicon and shotgun sequencing can help you identify microbes and find functional information quickly and easily.

Metagenome Sequencing

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Shotgun vs Amplicon

Shotgun and Amplicon sequencing allow us to study the metagenome. Let’s have a look at their differences:


Shotgun metagenomic sequencing is a comprehensive method of looking at all genes of all microorganisms present in a sample, similar to whole genome sequencing. The method enables you to evaluate the microbial diversity and detect the abundance of species under different conditions. In shotgun sequencing, a sample’s total DNA is isolated and randomly sheared into smaller fragments before sequencing.


Amplicon metagenomic sequencing is similar to targeted sequencing and enables efficient identification of microorganism diversity in a sample through analyzing operational taxonomic units (OTUs). It works by PCR amplification of conserved genes such as 16S, 18S, ITS and CO1 and sequencing the resulting amplicons.

Explore our Sanger sequencing-based 16S, 18S and ITS rRNA services here.

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Now, if you like what you read or you have any extra questions, you can book a free online meeting to discuss your project with our consultants. Tell us about your project and we will get the correct consultant for you.

Looking for more library kits? Ready to run samples?

You can have a look to the list of all library kits available and the Macrogen Europe sample criteria. RTR samples? You can also find the library criteria in case your sample are ready for sequencing.

Library Kits

Macrogen Europe has got the library kits you need to identify specific amplicons (16S, 18S, ITS, or Arc). But, we can also design the customized one that your project needs. Our partnership with Illumina, PacBio, and Oxford Nanopore covers any project you are involved in, shotgun or amplicon. Have a look at the top-selling library kits for Metagenome sequencing.

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Now, if you like what you read or you have any extra questions, you can book a free online meeting to discuss your project with our consultants. Tell us about your project and we will get the correct consultant for you.

Looking for more library kits? Ready to run samples?

You can have a look to the list of all library kits available and the Macrogen Europe sample criteria. RTR samples? You can also find the library criteria in case your sample are ready for sequencing.


  • Illumina
  • NovaSeq X
  • NovaSeq 6000
  • NextSeq
  • MiSeq
  • PacBio
  • Revio
  • PacBio Sequel IIe
  • Oxford Nanopore
  • PromethION

Book your free consultation

Now, if you like what you read or you have any extra questions, you can book a free online meeting to discuss your project with our consultants. Tell us about your project and we will get the correct consultant for you

Book your free consultation

Now, if you like what you read or you have any extra questions, you can book a free online meeting to discuss your project with our consultants. Tell us about your project and we will get the correct consultant for you.

Looking for more library kits? Ready to run samples?

You can have a look to the list of all library kits available and the Macrogen Europe sample criteria. RTR samples? You can also find the library criteria in case your sample are ready for sequencing.

Yes, we have bioinformatics in-house

Knowing the purpose of your research is essential to establish the correct sequencing configuration and statistic analysis. Let us know what is the objective of your research and we will guide you in getting the correct bioinformatics services.

From raw data to customized services

For most researchers obtaining RAW data is sufficient for their research. However, Macrogen Europe is ready to provide bioinformatic analysis for your project.

Have a look at some of the extracts of the OTU Analysis reports for Metagenome Sequencing.

Taxonomic composition

The chart shows the taxonomic composition for each sample from phylum to species level (x-axis: sample name; y-axis: OTU proportions. With the mousse over the plot will be shown which taxa are contributing to the percentage.

Community richness and diversity

It shows the alpha diversity on each sample in an OTU table, using a variety of alpha diversity metrics (Chao1, Shannon, Simpsons, Good’s coverage).

Heat map

Only raw OTU counts per sample, where the counts are colored based on the contribution of each OTU to the total OTU count present in that sample. Also, you will see the number of times that each OTU was found in that sample. In the original report, with the mouse over any individual count, you will more extra information, such as taxonomic assignments and links to Google search information.

Yes, we have bioinformatics in-house

Knowing the purpose of your research is essential to establish the correct sequencing configuration and statistic analysis. Let us know what is the objective of your research and we will guide you in getting the correct bioinformatics services.