ESHG2021 winner announcement

Macrogen Europe is happy to announce one of our ESHG2021 prize draw winners. It is Maria Ampleeva who works at the Independent Clinical Bioinformatics Laboratory in Moscow, Russia.

Maria has been working at the ICBL for two years, classifying the pathogenicity of genomic variants as a clinical bioinformatician. The ICBL works with both organizations and personal clients to analyze next generation sequencing data, mostly whole exome and whole genome sequencing data.

Describing her role at the ICBL, Maria says: “What matters to me most is to unravel complicated clinical cases of rare genetic disorders. I'm usually working on the verge of known and unknown – it's never the same and it's really important to have clear and high-quality data to go through analysis and get the best results. I'm proud to be a part of the Independent Clinical Bioinformatics Laboratory team and I hope it makes a difference.”

Many congratulations to Maria and to our other ESHG2021 prize winners!

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