France Genome Center: Sanger laboratory opening

Faster shipment and results for researchers in France.

Posted 14 Nov 22

Macrogen Europe conquers France! With a view to assisting you in your research projects and work, Macrogen has just opened a Sanger sequencing laboratory in Paris.

We provide the same services as always: sanger sequencing services, identification, fragment analysis, etc… but now, the shipment of your samples is faster thanever. You can continue using our ordering page to start a project with us. We will provide you with results within 24 hours at a reduced cost.

Ne pas oublier! Macrogen Europe can help you to reduce the cost of your project. We obtain the research tax credit (Crédit d’Impôt Recherche, CIR) that makes you spend less and advance more. Contact us to know how you can benefit from it.

Le même projet au Meilleur prix.

You can contact our France Genome as follows:

Address: Rue de la Bella Étoile 161 2A 1e etage, Roissy-en-France, France


Telephone: (+33) 1 82 32 00 96

Order Now!